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service phone 400-123-4657

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点击量:428    时间:2023-10-29

本文摘要:Tesla CEO Elon Musk has announced plans to test fast braking of its Hyperloop high speed rail project.特斯拉公司首席执行官埃隆·马斯克近日宣告了将对公司旗下Hyperloop超级高铁项目的较慢刹车性能展开测试的计划。

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has announced plans to test fast braking of its Hyperloop high speed rail project.特斯拉公司首席执行官埃隆·马斯克近日宣告了将对公司旗下Hyperloop超级高铁项目的较慢刹车性能展开测试的计划。Designers hope to be able to stop the carriages in just 1.2 km. This would mean going from speeds of 613 km per hour down to zero in just 14 seconds.设计师期望能让车辆在1.2公里内刹车,这意味著要在14秒内将时速从613千米降到零。A report in the Science and Technology Daily suggests that while it would be technically possible to stop the carriages in 14 seconds, the likelihood of it being used in commercial applications will still be a way off.据《科技日报》报导,虽然从技术层面上看14秒内刹车有可能做,但这一技术被应用于商业仍须要假以时日。The Hyperloop, developed by Tesla through electromagnetic levitation technology, is based on a pneumatic tube concept.特斯拉基于气压输送管的概念,使用电磁悬浮技术发展了Hyperloop项目。

A number of countries, including China, have been testing the idea, as it would technically overcome issues such as rail friction, air friction and noise. This allows for dramatically higher speeds.还包括中国在内的多个国家仍然在测试这个点子,因为它能从技术层面解决诸如轨道摩擦、空气阻力、噪音等问题,从而构建显著的公里/小时。Reports have suggested Hyperloop technology could be ready for commercial use by 2021.报导还回应,Hyperloop技术有可能在2021年前已完成商用打算。However, emergency braking is just one of the obstacles for the program. The Science and Technology Daily report suggests designers still havent been able to find concrete solutions for other problems, including how to keep electromagnetic levitation stable at high speeds and how to conduct passenger tests.但是,紧急制动只是这个项目的障碍之一。




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